We are so thankful that God has allowed us to be involved in the lives of children. We have marvelous parents who care deeply about their children, and children who want to learn and grow, both academically and spiritually. Our primary goal is that our children have the opportunity to experience a dynamic educational environment where they learn to love learning and grow and develop as Godly people. I love this quote: “It is better to build a child than repair a man.” And, the scripture below reminds me that what we are doing at home or at school lays the foundation for the legacy we will leave behind. I pray we finish well and leave a living legacy through our children that reflects Jesus to the world. “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” — 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 — Jackye BiehlA Note from Our Administrator
Stacy Gibson
Melinda Dobbs
Caroline Chavez
Joseph Cleary
Kim Walling
Sheri Sasiela
Sherry Bleisch
Nate Brown
Wayne Morgan
Diane Barker
Patti Bjornson
Tiffany Blaylock
Stephanie Cain
Kristie Crowe
Emily Erhart
Laura Fraker
Sally Gunter
Carolyn Harmon
Reyne Hochstein
Melanie Jenkins
Megan Mayberry
Lindsay McDonald
Donna Pottorff
Beverly Renfro
Chrissy Summers
High School
Craig Murra
Chris Bayuk
Kaity Wiggins
Jan Rodriguez
Julie Ostrowski
Megan Lippert
Andy Lewis
Melody Knight
John Jasper
Sarah Hines
Eden Hudder
Amy Faitz
Melanie Jenkins
Stacy Gibson
Middle School
Reyne Hochstein
Megan Lippert
Amy Faitz
Kaity Wiggins
Sarah Hines
Eden Hudder
Alicia Gihring
Lyndsay Croxford
Caleb Cook
Melanie Jenkins